Our Services

We provide consultancy services, workshops, and corporate governance One Question Guides to clients in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. Details of our services are available by clicking on the relevant headings.

  • ESG

    For the public and not-for-profit sectors, the integration of ESG strategies and concepts into their objectives, oversight and governance structures is essential.

  • Board and Committee Evaluation

    Board and committee self-evaluation, and external evaluation, are now standard requirements of most governance codes. Evaluation is also a characteristic of good governance. We provide a range of services in this area Read More.

  • Strategic Planning

    Strategic planning provides an opportunity to re-establish an organisation, both for its staff and for its stakeholders.

  • Evaluation

    Stopping to evaluate is essential. It provides an opportunity to see if a policy, project, or initiative is meeting its objectives.

  • Facilitation Services

    When conducting an evaluation, developing a strategy or looking for input into new policy direction, external support can prove very important.

  • One ? Guides

    What are the One Question Guides? Here at O’BRIEN / Governance Design we’ve entered into a new venture with the launch of our online One Question Guides.  We decided to use our professional and consulting experiences to design useful and practical guides that support Boards, and the organisations they oversee, to effectively fulfil their corporate governance responsibilities.